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October - December Newsletter

Date Posted: 10/17/2024
Category: Newsletter

October - December 2024 Newsletter
West Georgia Consortium Housing Authority
"Housing at a Glance"
P.O. Box 403 / 228 Blakely Street
Cuthbert, GA 39840
T: 229.732.2128 ' F: 229.732.2912


Daily News, Extra Extra! Read All About It!  

Edison and Arlington Proposed 2024 Board Meeting Schedule:

  • January 16 - Annual Meeting
  • April 16
  • July 16
  • November 19

 Cuthbert, Shellman, and Fort Gaines Proposed 2024 Board Meeting Schedule:

  • January 17 - Annual Meeting
  • April 17
  • July 17
  • November 20



Remember, the late notices are added after the 5th working day of each month.  If you receive a late notice for past due rent, you have thirty (30) calendar days to pay.  This will not always be the same date every month.  After the 30 days, if rent is still not paid you will be turned over to the Magistrate Court and charged an additional fee.  Then, if rent is not paid in the next 7 days a Writ of Possession is issued and the Magistrate Court sets a date and time to set out a tenant's belongings.  In order to avoid a late fee, rent must be paid in the office or put in the drop box BEFORE late fees are added.  It doesn't matter when the money order is dated.  If it is not turned in to the office by the due date, then it is considered late.  Remember that rent and utilities must be paid in full.  


Unauthorized Members

Lease Violation!

UNAUTHORIZED MEMBERS:  Per your lease, overnight guests are not allowed to stay more than 14 days.  If an unauthorized person is caught in your apartment, you will receive a 30 day notice to move.  If you wish to add someone to your lease, just contact the office and the individual will have to provide their Social Security card, original birth certificate and proof of income and also sign for and pass a background check.  That is the process for everyone.


Our Hours of operation have changed!!!!

Recently the West Georgia Consortium business hours changed to 10 (ten) hour days, 5 days a week.  You will notice some of our staff are now off on Fridays or Mondays.  These days off will change each month for our staff.  Our plan is to give our Residents more hours of the day to pay rent, turn in paperwork, stop by with questions, etc.  Our hours are now 7 am to 530 pm, M - F.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In 2024, more than 360,000 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer. But there is hope. Advancements in early detection methods and support continue to increase the chances of survival. When caught in its earliest, localized stages, the 5-year relative survival rate of breast cancer is 99%. Please schedule your Mammogram today!  Please schedule your mammogram today!



The West Georgia Consortium would like to congratulate April Weathersby and family on the birth of their new son, Kaleb Dean Foxworth.  April is currently on maternity leave enjoying her new bundle of joy!



The West Georgia Consortium would like to welcome Jeramyah Foy to the team.  Jeramyah was hired as our part-time preventative maintenance technician.


Dates to Remember:

October 14 - Columbus Day - office closed

October 31 - Halloween

November 11 - Veterans Day - Office closed

November 19 - Edison/Arlington Board

November 20 - Ft Gaines, Shellman and Cuthbert Board

November 28 & 29 - Thanksgiving - office closed

December 24 & 25 - Christmas - office closed



·        Fire - call 911 as well

·        Gas leaks or smelling gas

·        Broken water pipes

·        Loss of electrical power

·        Property damage from storms or vandalism - call 911 as well

·        Heat not working

·        Commode not usable

·        Air Conditioning not working 

·        Stove or refrigerator not working

·        No hot water

Please do not call On Call for office matters.  This number should be used for Emergency work orders only.